Basalt, Colorado
Date: Friday, November 22, 2024
Venue: The Arts Campus at Willits (TACAW)
Address: 400 Robinson St., Basalt
Colorado, 81621
{ "event": { "artist_image_path": "su911tnri6.png", "location_address_region": "Colorado", "performer_id": "10120016", "startdate": "2024-11-22T19:00:00+00:00", "organizer_name": "Cool Cool Cool", "organizer_url": "", "artist_slug": "cool-cool-cool", "festival_name": "", "location_geo_longitude": "-107.08472", "artist_id": "43b52d67-1ac2-44df-8771-364fb5781c16", "location_postal_code": "81621", "event_status": "", "enddate": "2024-11-22T00:00:00+00:00", "performer_name": "Cool Cool Cool", "artist_names": "[\"Cool Cool Cool\", \"Photon\"]", "location_address_locality": "Basalt", "id": "714ec5d6-cb24-47a9-b48d-8dc4c6f77ecb", "description": "Cool Cool Cool at The Arts Campus at Willits (TACAW) at 2024-11-22T19:00:00-0700", "genre": [ "funk", "house" ], "venue_id": "443fe30d-dd12-4a83-bbe7-4542f3c1d0c9", "location_geo_latitude": 39.38556, "location_name": "The Arts Campus at Willits (TACAW)", "eventstatus": "", "event_description": "Cool Cool Cool at The Arts Campus at Willits (TACAW) at 2024-11-22T19:00:00-0700", "concert_id": "42240188", "location_street_address": "400 Robinson St.", "location_same_as": "", "venue_slug": "the-arts-campus-at-willits-tacaw", "event_attendance_mode": "", "location_address_country": "United States", "is_festival": "false" }, "mainArtist": { "active": false, "contact_page": "", "artists_manager": [ "8108e182-43ca-4260-9757-563078309352" ], "created_at": "2024-09-13T03:07:09.543+00:00", "is_visible": true, "facebook": "", "venue_residencies": [], "artist_id": "43b52d67-1ac2-44df-8771-364fb5781c16", "former_members": [], "spotify": "", "division": "New York", "short_url": "", "apple_music": "", "youtube": "", "photographer_url": "", "country": "USA", "hometown": "New York", "photographer_name": "", "website": "", "description": "Cool Cool Cool blends the best of Funk, House and R&B to create a sound that is truly unique. With dynamic female-led vocals, a tight horn section, swirling synths and a rhythm section that lays down a wicked groove, this band knows how to deliver an electrifying performance. When you see Cool Cool Cool in person, you'll be swept up by the energy of their music and unforgettable live show. ", "related_artists": "[\"Adrian Belew\",\"Jerry Harrison\",\"Sammi Garett\",\"Sammi Garrett\",\"Shira Elias\"]", "image_path": "su911tnri6.png", "artist_name": "Cool Cool Cool", "default_image": true, "updated_at": "2024-09-13T03:18:52.033Z", "current_members": [ "Sammi Garett", "Shira Elias", "Craig Brodhead", "Chris Brouwers", "Greg Sanderson" ], "slug": "cool-cool-cool", "threads": "", "genres": [ "funk", "house", "jam-band" ], "subgenres": [ "jam-band" ], "needs_enrichment": "true", "instagram": "", "fts": "'-4260':132C '-43':130C '-563078309352':134C '-9757':133C '/@wearecoolcoolcool':112C '/artist/0maujlcs73ptzsvh4iu4xl?si=qihmwly5r821efii-if_3g&nd=1&dlsi=54dfae9a502c4bc8':115C '/contact':103C '/home':100C '/we.are.coolcoolcool':109C '/we.are.coolcoolcool/':106C '8108e182':129C 'adrian':14B 'b':35C 'band':67C,120B,123B 'belew':15B 'best':29C 'blend':27C 'brodhead':9B 'brouwer':11B 'ca':131C 'chris':10B 'cool':1A,2A,3A,24C,25C,26C,78C,79C,80C 'craig':8B 'creat':37C 'deliv':71C 'dynam':45C 'electrifi':73C 'elia':7B,23B 'energi':90C 'femal':47C 'female-l':46C 'funk':31C,116B 'garett':5B,19B 'garrett':21B 'greg':12B 'groov':65C 'harrison':17B 'horn':52C 'hous':32C,117B 'jam':119B,122B 'jam-band':118B,121B 'jerri':16B 'know':68C 'lay':61C 'led':48C 'live':96C 'll':84C 'music':93C 'new':124,126 '':114C '':113C 'perform':74C 'person':82C 'r':34C 'rhythm':58C 'sammi':4B,18B,20B 'sanderson':13B 'section':53C,59C 'see':77C 'shira':6B,22B 'show':97C 'sound':39C 'swept':86C 'swirl':54C 'synth':55C 'tight':51C 'truli':42C 'unforgett':95C 'uniqu':43C 'usa':128 'vocal':49C '':99C,102C '':101C '':98C 'wick':64C '':108C '':107C '':105C '':104C '':111C '':110C 'york':125,127", "soundcloud": "" }, "performers": [] }