Sydney, NSW
Date: Saturday, November 23, 2024
Venue: Mrs Macquaries Point
Address: Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney
NSW, 2000
{ "event": { "artist_image_path": "3l0e6t3ndzf.jpeg", "location_address_region": "NSW", "performer_id": "10266764", "startdate": "2024-11-23T14:00:00+00:00", "organizer_name": "IT'S MURPH", "organizer_url": "", "artist_slug": "its-murph", "festival_name": "", "location_geo_longitude": "151.21573", "artist_id": "0415197e-2577-4592-9b4a-b8224dd51dec", "location_postal_code": "2000", "event_status": "", "enddate": "2024-11-23T00:00:00+00:00", "performer_name": "IT'S MURPH", "artist_names": "[\"IT'S MURPH\"]", "location_address_locality": "Sydney", "id": "bb320a7a-4728-4734-9efe-2de49567c76c", "description": "IT'S MURPH at Mrs Macquaries Point at 2024-11-23T14:00:00+1100", "genre": [ "techno" ], "venue_id": "9bb01c78-89da-493c-a5e8-f3b8fbad2b82", "location_geo_latitude": -33.86918, "location_name": "Mrs Macquaries Point", "eventstatus": "", "event_description": "IT'S MURPH at Mrs Macquaries Point at 2024-11-23T14:00:00+1100", "concert_id": "42056051", "location_street_address": "Royal Botanic Gardens", "location_same_as": "", "venue_slug": "mrs-macquaries-point", "event_attendance_mode": "", "location_address_country": "Australia", "is_festival": "false" }, "mainArtist": { "active": true, "contact_page": "", "artists_manager": [ "8108e182-43ca-4260-9757-563078309352" ], "created_at": "2024-09-05T04:43:13.167+00:00", "is_visible": true, "facebook": "", "venue_residencies": [ "" ], "artist_id": "0415197e-2577-4592-9b4a-b8224dd51dec", "former_members": [ "" ], "spotify": "", "division": "Tennessee ", "short_url": "", "apple_music": "", "youtube": "", "photographer_url": "", "country": "United States", "hometown": "Nashville ", "photographer_name": "", "website": "", "description": "Hailing from Nashville, it’s murph, alias of producer Garrett Murphy, is making a splash in the dance world with his euphoric melodies, gritty baselines and sonically expansive atmospheres. His production draws in elements of tech, bass, and heavy dance inspired by artists such as Fred Again…, Cloonee, Chris Lake and Flume.", "related_artists": "[\"\",\"Disco Lines\",\"IT'S MURPH\",\"Sippy\",\"wes mills\"]", "image_path": "3l0e6t3ndzf.jpeg", "artist_name": "It’s Murph", "default_image": true, "updated_at": "2024-09-14T11:02:41.251Z", "current_members": [ "", "Garrett Murphy" ], "slug": "its-murph", "threads": "", "genres": [ "techno", "j-dance" ], "subgenres": [ "j-dance" ], "needs_enrichment": "true", "instagram": "", "fts": "'-4260':80C '-43':78C '-563078309352':82C '-9757':81C '8108e182':77C 'alia':20C 'artist':56C 'atmospher':42C 'baselin':38C 'bass':50C 'ca':79C 'chris':62C 'cloone':61C 'danc':31C,53C,69B,72B 'disco':6B 'draw':45C 'element':47C 'euphor':35C 'expans':41C 'flume':65C 'fred':59C 'garrett':4B,23C 'gritti':37C 'hail':14C 'heavi':52C 'inspir':54C 'j':68B,71B 'j-danc':67B,70B 'lake':63C 'line':7B 'make':26C 'melodi':36C 'mill':13B 'murph':3A,10B,19C 'murphi':5B,24C 'nashvill':16C,73 'produc':22C 'product':44C 'sippi':11B 'sonic':40C 'splash':28C 'state':76 'tech':49C 'techno':66B 'tennesse':74 'unit':75 'wes':12B 'world':32C", "soundcloud": "" }, "performers": [] }