Rio Rancho, New Mexico
Date: Friday, March 14, 2025
Venue: Rio Rancho Events Center
Address: 3001 Civic Center, Rio Rancho
New Mexico, 87144
{ "event": { "artist_image_path": "mq3fck3qb6b.jpg", "location_address_region": "New Mexico", "performer_id": "404681", "startdate": "2025-03-14T20:00:00+00:00", "organizer_name": "Los Tigres del Norte", "organizer_url": "", "artist_slug": "los-tigres-del-norte", "festival_name": "", "location_geo_longitude": "-106.68735", "artist_id": "04dd9528-7371-4ea4-b8e0-55eb4fb4ac9d", "location_postal_code": "87144", "event_status": "", "enddate": "2025-03-14T00:00:00+00:00", "performer_name": "Los Tigres del Norte", "artist_names": "[\"Los Tigres del Norte\"]", "location_address_locality": "Rio Rancho", "id": "42c9db6a-a5cf-41b4-ba07-f0e2f52d7ae4", "description": "Los Tigres del Norte at Rio Rancho Events Center at 2025-03-14T20:00:00-0600", "genre": [ "norteno", "regional-mexican" ], "venue_id": "7f0f14e1-2814-45ef-9267-708f120fb843", "location_geo_latitude": 35.30938, "location_name": "Rio Rancho Events Center", "eventstatus": "", "event_description": "Los Tigres del Norte at Rio Rancho Events Center at 2025-03-14T20:00:00-0600", "concert_id": "42017831", "location_street_address": "3001 Civic Center", "location_same_as": "", "venue_slug": "rio-rancho-events-center", "event_attendance_mode": "", "location_address_country": "United States", "is_festival": "false" }, "mainArtist": { "active": true, "contact_page": "", "artists_manager": [ "8108e182-43ca-4260-9757-563078309352" ], "created_at": "2024-09-26T11:37:43.424+00:00", "is_visible": true, "facebook": "", "venue_residencies": [], "artist_id": "04dd9528-7371-4ea4-b8e0-55eb4fb4ac9d", "former_members": [], "spotify": "", "division": "Sinaloa", "short_url": "", "apple_music": "", "youtube": "", "photographer_url": "", "country": "Mexico", "hometown": "Mocorito", "photographer_name": "", "website": "", "description": "Los Tigres del Norte is an iconic norteño band hailing from Mocorito, Sinaloa, Mexico, known for their poignant ballads and corridos that narrate the experiences of immigrants and working-class people. Since their inception in the late 1960s, their rebellious spirit and profound storytelling have resonated deeply with the Latino community, making them one of the most influential and revered groups in Latin music history. Their unique style, blending traditional Mexican music with contemporary elements, has earned them multiple Grammy awards and a devoted international fan base.", "related_artists": "[\"Conjunto Primavera\",\"Intocable\",\"Los Huracanes del Norte\",\"Los Rieleros del Norte\",\"Los Tucanes De Tijuana\"]", "image_path": "mq3fck3qb6b.jpg", "artist_name": "Los Tigres del Norte", "default_image": true, "updated_at": "2024-09-26T11:42:57.061Z", "current_members": [ "Jorge Hernandez", "Hernan Hernandez", "Eduardo Hernandez", "Luis Hernandez", "Oscar Lara" ], "slug": "los-tigres-del-norte", "threads": "", "genres": [ "norteno", "regional-mexican" ], "subgenres": [ "regional-mexican" ], "needs_enrichment": "true", "instagram": "", "fts": "'-4260':144C '-43':142C '-563078309352':146C '-9757':145C '/artist/3rq3yof9yg9yfcwd4d56rz':130C '/lostigresdelnorte/':121C,124C '/user/lostigresdelnorte/':127C '1960s':68C '8108e182':141C 'award':111C 'ballad':48C 'band':38C 'base':117C 'blend':99C 'ca':143C 'class':60C 'communiti':81C 'conjunto':15B 'contemporari':104C 'corrido':50C 'de':28B 'deepli':77C 'del':3A,20B,24B,32C 'devot':114C 'earn':107C 'eduardo':9B 'element':105C 'experi':54C 'fan':116C 'grammi':110C 'group':91C 'hail':39C 'hernan':7B 'hernandez':6B,8B,10B,12B 'histori':95C 'huracan':19B 'icon':36C 'immigr':56C 'incept':64C 'influenti':88C 'intern':115C 'intoc':17B 'jorg':5B 'known':44C 'lara':14B 'late':67C 'latin':93C 'latino':80C 'los':1A,18B,22B,26B,30C '':118C 'lui':11B 'make':82C 'mexican':101C,134B,137B 'mexico':43C,140 'mocorito':41C,138 'multipl':109C 'music':94C,102C 'narrat':52C 'nort':4A,21B,25B,33C 'norteno':131B 'norteño':37C 'one':84C '':129C '':128C 'oscar':13B 'peopl':61C 'poignant':47C 'primavera':16B 'profound':73C 'rebelli':70C 'region':133B,136B 'regional-mexican':132B,135B 'reson':76C 'rever':90C 'rielero':23B 'sinaloa':42C,139 'sinc':62C 'spirit':71C 'storytel':74C 'style':98C 'tigr':2A,31C 'tijuana':29B 'tradit':100C 'tucan':27B 'uniqu':97C 'work':59C 'working-class':58C '':123C '':122C '':120C '':119C '':126C '':125C", "soundcloud": "" }, "performers": [] }