St Charles, Illinois
Date: Saturday, December 7, 2024
Venue: Arcada Theatre
Address: 105 E. Main St, St Charles
Illinois, 60174
{ "event": { "artist_image_path": "l4h8xjtfmbj.webp", "location_address_region": "Illinois", "performer_id": "238957", "startdate": "2024-12-07T00:00:00+00:00", "organizer_name": "Tommy James And The Shondells", "organizer_url": "", "artist_slug": "tommy-james-the-shondells", "festival_name": "", "location_geo_longitude": "-88.31212", "artist_id": "3f0dece3-95dc-4888-a2da-330107efceae", "location_postal_code": "60174", "event_status": "", "enddate": "2024-12-07T00:00:00+00:00", "performer_name": "Tommy James And The Shondells", "artist_names": "[\"Tommy James And The Shondells\"]", "location_address_locality": "St Charles", "id": "0e62007b-13c9-4fd6-9a99-d495ada5f6ac", "description": "Tommy James And The Shondells at Arcada Theatre at 2024-12-07", "genre": [ "pop" ], "venue_id": "8689f267-db83-47cf-a65d-0aa5bbe53545", "location_geo_latitude": 41.91362, "location_name": "Arcada Theatre", "eventstatus": "", "event_description": "Tommy James And The Shondells at Arcada Theatre at 2024-12-07", "concert_id": "41938753", "location_street_address": "105 E. Main St", "location_same_as": "", "venue_slug": "arcada-theatre", "event_attendance_mode": "", "location_address_country": "United States", "is_festival": "false" }, "mainArtist": { "active": true, "contact_page": "", "artists_manager": [ "8108e182-43ca-4260-9757-563078309352" ], "created_at": "2024-09-27T05:53:49.565+00:00", "is_visible": true, "facebook": "", "venue_residencies": [], "artist_id": "3f0dece3-95dc-4888-a2da-330107efceae", "former_members": [ "Mike Vale", "Eddie Gray", "Larry R. White", "P. J. Jones" ], "spotify": "", "division": "Michigan", "short_url": "", "apple_music": "", "youtube": "", "photographer_url": "", "country": "US", "hometown": "Niles", "photographer_name": "", "website": "", "description": "Tommy James & The Shondells is an American rock band known for their hit songs in the 1960s, including \"Hanky Panky,\" \"Crimson and Clover,\" and \"Crystal Blue Persuasion.\" Tommy James was just 18 years old when 'Hanky Panky' became a hit. The band has seen various lineup changes over the years but continues to perform.", "related_artists": "[\"Eddie Gray\",\"Larry R. White\",\"Max Gomez\",\"Mike Vale\",\"P. J. Jones\",\"The Monkees\",\"The Turtles\",\"Tommy James And The Shondells\"]", "image_path": "l4h8xjtfmbj.webp", "artist_name": "Tommy James & The Shondells", "default_image": true, "updated_at": "2024-09-27T05:53:49.565Z", "current_members": [ "Tommy James" ], "slug": "tommy-james-the-shondells", "threads": "", "genres": [ "pop", "rock", "psychedelic-rock", "garage-rock" ], "subgenres": [ "rock", "psychedelic-rock", "garage-rock" ], "needs_enrichment": "true", "instagram": "", "fts": "'-4260':113C '-43':111C '-563078309352':115C '-9757':114C '18':69C '1960s':54C '8108e182':110C 'american':44C 'band':46C,79C 'becam':75C 'blue':63C 'ca':112C 'chang':84C 'clover':60C 'continu':89C 'crimson':58C 'crystal':62C 'eddi':9B,17B 'garag':98B,105B 'garage-rock':97B,104B 'gomez':23B 'gray':10B,18B 'hanki':56C,73C 'hit':50C,77C 'includ':55C 'j':15B,27B 'jame':2A,6B,34B,39C,66C 'jone':16B,28B 'known':47C 'larri':11B,19B 'lineup':83C 'max':22B 'michigan':108 'mike':7B,24B 'monke':30B 'nile':107 'old':71C 'p':14B,26B 'panki':57C,74C 'perform':91C 'persuas':64C 'pop':92B 'psychedel':95B,102B 'psychedelic-rock':94B,101B 'r':12B,20B 'rock':45C,93B,96B,99B,100B,103B,106B 'seen':81C 'shondel':4A,37B,41C 'song':51C 'tommi':1A,5B,33B,38C,65C 'turtl':32B 'us':109 'vale':8B,25B 'various':82C 'white':13B,21B 'year':70C,87C", "soundcloud": "" }, "performers": [] }